AG EDICIONES: binding systems

Mon-Th: 08.30 AM - 5.00 PM

Friday: 8.30 AM 3.00 PM

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When you want to bind with a spiral or wireo system and you want to obtain the best presentation, we have developed a "special cover" that wraps the block. From a hard cover we can personalize any design that help to us as well as the measures and grosores that is necessary. Hard cover with round loin and with a carton leaf(sheet) for the low part of the block to binding.


You can rotate the 360 degrees sheets.
very practical and high quality.
Stiff cover with round back.
Better finish


Project presentations
Internal and external documentation of the company
Reports, reports, etc.
Product catalogs
Training manuals

Assembly instructions

  1) Very important! Put the carton flyleaves at the end of the block to binding.
  2) Bind of habitual form, with system wireo or spiral.
  3) Centre on the left side of the cover AGCover the bound block and define the correct position on the adhesive strip of our cover.
  4) There withdraws the protector of the adhesive strip of the cover AGCover
  5) The block presses on it and closing the cover.
  6) You have ready your new presentation!

AG Press

Minimum order

Standard covers: in boxes of 10 units of the same size and color.
Custom covers: minimum of 50 units per size and design.



What are your ideas?

We'll do it! If you have an idea, please send it through this form.


For a small amount

You can make a small amount and on demand (no need for stock)
If you want to receive information, fill up the form.


Custom covers

Covers 100 % customizable to wrap the wire or spiral.
If you want to receive information, fill up the form.